Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Fox Barrel Blackberry Pear

Thank you! We can't say it enough. It doesn't matter if you're here every week, or here by accident. Family, friend, complete stranger, thank you. This past week we passed one thousand page views! At first I didn't really know if this was really going to work or if anyone was actually going to read these (you might just be here for the pictures), but thanks for stopping by. On to the business at hand.

If you live in the United States (shout-out to our readers in England, Russia, Germany, and a number of other countries) you're probably loving this polar vortex. Hopefully you've managed to thaw out long enough to enjoy some cider. This week we've got another offering from Fox Barrel. Tonight we find ourselves drinking their Blackberry Pear cider. The cider comes to us from Colfax, CA and it weighs in at 4.5% alcohol by volume. Fox Barrel has this to say about their brew:
Blackberry infused fermented pear cider from pure pear juice. Naturally fermented using 100% pear juice, not from pear juice concentrate or pear-flavored hard apple cider. Filtered cold for extra purity, and infused with natural blackberry juice. With no added colorants, sugar, sorbate, or benzoate preservatives. No added malt, spirit, grape or apple alcohols. Naturally elegant, refreshingly adult with an authentic blackberry dark-fruit taste and a sweet-sharp fresh tang. Mouthwatering juicy complexity. Luscious pear-berry bouquet.

Let's move on to our own thoughts. Liz goes first, because it may be crazy cold outside, but no one is as cool as she is, or crazy...
It's tart, it's sweet, it's kind of dry… it is not what I expected, but it is totally refreshing. Going into this one I was not sure what to think. The other two Fox Barrels we did were such opposites. The tartness and sweetness really gets you right as you swallow, but the dry and fruity flavor sticks around. I think this would be great with dessert. Really, I'm just saying that because I want dessert. I give it 3 apples.

What did I have to say about Fox Barrel Blackberry Pear? Oh, how thoughtful, thanks for asking!
I honestly don't know what I was expecting going into this cider, but boy was I surprised. It's very, very sweet but I think it's delicious! The blackberry and pear are perfectly fused and become reminiscent of wine part of the way through your sip. It finishes smooth and leaves a small taste of blackberry on your tongue after you've gone a minute without a sip. I'm not saying I could spend a whole night chugging bottle after bottle of Fox Barrel, but one here or there would be nice. It's also worth mentioning that the bottle is very good looking and leaves me thinking, what does the fox drink? 3.5 apples outta 5 for me!

I hate to be all gushy but it really does mean a lot to both Liz and myself that you are visiting our blog, and we would love to hear from you as well. As always you can comment below, or email us at Once again, thanks a bunch and stop by every Wednesday night for more Cider Adventures!

Happy Tasting!
-Liz & Rob

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations DeCiders blog on your milestone views. I hope I can get that DeCiders tshirt for christmas next year.
