Wednesday, February 26, 2014

J.K.'s Northern Neighbour Farmhouse Cider Saskatoon Cuvée

Hello there! Long time no see. First of all, we want to apologize for the lack of a post lack week. Liz has a class Wednesday nights and my third shift job has been changing my sleep schedule around and last week just got away from us. I promise, we are back and it won't happen again!

This week we have another cider from J.K.'s Farmhouse. This one is called Saskatoon Cuvée and has an alcohol by volume of 5.5%. Here's what J.K. had to say about it's own brew:
We invite you to celebrate a collaboration of a few passionate American and Canadian farmers. The fruits of their labour are presented in this bottle, a family reunion of sorts. This delightful cider is made from Michigan apples and a unique Canadian prairie apple, the Saskatoon. Gathered by J.K. from family orchards in Michigan and Saskatchewan, this natural cider has been carefully fermented here at Almar Orchards using our traditional methods. We hope you enjoy sharing this cider that knows no borders with friends, family, and neighbours.

Chivalry dictates: ladies first:
This cider is so deliciously sweet, it reminds me of the perfect summer day spent reading on the porch. Yes, I love to read books. Real books with pages. Sorry! Back to the cider. I can taste the two different apples; it starts out warm and smooth, and ends fairly sweet. The closer the cider comes to room temperature, it becomes less sweet. I am enjoying this cider, and I could see myself picking this up to enjoy on my own. Sorry, Rob! I just think it would be great for some me-time. I'm giving Saskatoon Cuvée three apples.

What do I think? Why thank you for asking! Here goes:
Just like that coworker you hate to see on Monday mornings, this cider is sweet and very upbeat. There is a lot to this cider and not much about it is negative. The sweetness is matched with a full flavor and a warm fuzzy feeling. The tartness is very dull and allows you to take very large sips. I feel like there is some kind of grape infused with this as well because of the way it pours. The blend of apples in this one make it hard to distinguish which apple is which, but they blend nicely. All in all, this cider was definitely a treat.

There you have it! After a week off, we're back in business. Hopefully we can pick up right were we left off. Hope you have some cider of your own to enjoy this week. Tell us what you thought about yours and be sure to share your cider, it's too good to keep to yourself.

Happy Tasting!
- Liz & Rob

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