Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Crispin The Saint Artisanal Reserve

Happy Cider Day! This has been a fantastic week so far. For Liz, because it's her birthday week. That means being spoiled. Who doesn't like being spoiled? For Rob, well, maybe it hasn't been as fantastic after working 9 days in a row so far.

We want to take a quick moment to thank you, our readers, for taking time out of your day to read our blog! We would love to say, "Hi!" to each of you, but that's not really possible. It's a weird feeling to see that your words are being read by people from all over the world. Thank you for your continued support!

Enough mushy-gushy feelings. Onto the Cider! This week we're talking about Crispin. The Saint Artisanal Reserve, to be exact. The Crispin Cider Co. in Colfax, CA says this about The Saint: Elevated Hard Cider. Naturally fermented with Belgian Trappist beer yeast using a premium blend of unpasteurized fresh-pressed apple juice, Not from concentrate, with no added malt, spirit or grape alcohols. Experience a sweetly floral to herbal aromatic bouquet and an elegant yeasty flavor with a sustained mouth-feel that develops a subtle spicy complexity. The Saint Artisanal Reserve, Unfiltered Cloudy Hard Cider, uses racked apple-wine smoothed with pure organic maple syrup, a kiss of apple juice, with no added sugar, colorants, sorbate, or benzoate preservatives. Best served cool in a tulip glass for bold, crisp refreshment.

The bottle in this picture looks quite small, but really, it's a whopping 22 ounces.  Almost twice as much as the normal bottle of delicious apple goodness. It also rolls in at 6.9% alcohol by volume.

Birthday girl goes first? Why not. Liz says that it’s very sweet at first, and then becomes dry and slightly chalky, like a white wine but it maintains a very smooth, welcoming flavor throughout. It has quite a large amount of sediment, too. Even though it is called out in the description, she says that she can't taste the maple, but feels a heaviness on her tongue that is reminiscent of true maple syrup. If it weren't so chalky, she would have considered giving this one a full bushel. Alas, Liz isn't a huge fan of the chalky dry wines. 4 apples it is.

As for myself, this is my favorite cider we've had since we started this little endeavor. It tastes like an apple moscato, but it doesn't have that sweet afterbite you would expect of a wine or cider. The cloudy beverage leaves a bit of a sediment at the bottom of the bottle but if that doesn't bother you, you'll be hard pressed not to chug this cider! The great thing about this bottle is it won't take too many to get you tipsy, giant bottle and high alcohol by volume make this a party all on it's own! I struggled for a while as to whether or not to give this one a perfect score. It may be my favorite, but it isn't quite perfect. 4.5 apples for this Saint.

Has anyone else had The Saint? What did you think about it and it's sediment? Let us know! Thank you again to all of our visitors.

We would also like to take a quick moment to thank all of the brave men and women who sacrifice their time, effort, love, sweat, tears, and even their lives every day for our freedoms. We are truly grateful for your sacrifices.

Until next week, Happy Tasting!
-Rob & Liz

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