Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Henney's Dry Cider

Aloha, everyone! No, we aren't in Hawaii. We are sort of wishing we were, though. According to the news it is -3°F outside. A bit chilly, but we are in Wisconsin.

This past weekend we got our first big snowfall, so that was neat. Unless you were one of the unfortunate people who had to travel. We hope your travels were safe!

Onto our own chilly excitement: nice cold cider! This week we were wandering the grocery store's liquor department looking for a housewarming gift for a friend. In the process we spotted our newest trial: Henney's Dry Cider.

Henney's comes to us from the UK and is their Dry Cider. There is another cider at the store, but we didn't have the extra cash to pick it up at that time. Some day we will go back for it! As for Henney's Dry Cider, they had a nice long description. It read: At Henney's we believe that the best way to make cider is to start with high quality ingredients and to keep the process as simple as possible. This has helped us to win many prestigious awards in recent years. Each autumn, carefully selected, locally grown, varieties of genuine cider apples are milled, pressed and fermented. The resulting cider is then blended and stored through the winter allowing it to mature and develop a rich and mellow flavor. Our finished cider retains the distinctive fruity aromatic character of ripe bittersweet apples whilst being crisp light and refreshing. Sip or quaff, we don't mind, as long as you enjoy it. Cheers!

Rob can go first, right? Right.
As it says in their description, keeping it simple seems to bring out the best of the brew. The thing that drew me to select this cider was its looks. The bottle is clear so you can gaze upon the beautifully golden liquid it contains. Also, by keeping it simple, it's almost as if everything about it is subtle. It is very dry, but starts out with a little sweetness that doesn't end up overwhelming you. It's also not very tart and as you let the cider warm up, you can taste a little bit of iron. I like Henney's and I will have it again in the future, I just wish it had something that made it stand out. Still, three and a half apples from me!

As for Liz?
Henney's starts out soft and sweet as I had expected it to. It turns to its dry side pretty quickly. It's dry before you even swallow. I am not a fan of very dry ciders, and this one is definitely true to it's name. I am also surprised at how bitter this one tastes. I am having a hard time drinking this one. If you like dry ciders and wines, this one will probably be right up your alley. Unfortunately, I don't live on that alley. I'm giving this one and a half apples.

It's been a while since we were that far apart in our ratings. Either way, stop by again next week for another cider adventure and make sure to tell your friends!

Happy Tasting!
-Rob & Liz

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