Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Woodchuck Private Reserve Barrel Select & Private Reserve Pumpkin

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas, everyone!

We've had our fill of family for the day and are settled down to finish off the day in style by writing our post. This week we're in the giving mood and have two reviews, and one just so happens to have a guest!

Our first cider this week is something we probably should have purchased weeks ago and done over Halloween: Woodchuck Private Reserve Pumpkin. Coming in at 6.9% alcohol by volume, this one is good for when you want to get the party started.
Private Reserve Pumpkin's label said this:
Woodchuck Private Reserve Pumpkin is limited to only two and a half hours on our production line. Fresh and crisp with pumpkin at the finish, it's crafted to be served at 45 degrees and pairs perfectly with roasted duck, turkey, squash ravioli as well as crème brȗlée and fresh cheesecake. Be part of the select few who get to savor this small batch.

First up, Liz:
I was really craving something seasonal and was so excited when I saw this at the local grocery store. Unfortunately we already had a fridge stocked with cider and passed it up for about two weeks. This week I finally decided to read the label to try to convince myself I needed to buy this. Boy, am I glad I did that! It really truly is a limited flavor with only two and a half hours production time.
Woodchuck Private Reserve Pumpkin has a smooth and velvety flavor that you would expect from something such as a pumpkin pie. I am so used to the spice part of a pumpkin pie, that's almost what I was hoping for. There's no spice in this, just plain pumpkin. I myself have never had straight-up pumpkin anything, always pumpkin spice, so I can't quite say that I know for sure that this is a true pumpkin flavor. That being said, I am happily surprised with the flavor. It isn't something I think I would want often, but I can tell you, I will be sad when we finish off this sixer and there is no more left in the house. I would also definitely agree that this would go great with cheesecake. Sadly, I don't have any cheesecake. I guess I'll have to settle for the (potentially freezerburned) vanilla ice cream I have in my freezer. All in all, I give it three apples.

As for Rob:
I know their description on the bottle says it tastes like pumpkin at the finish, but I am here to disagree with that… Right away when you sip it feels like you are being punched in the mouth with a pumpkin. There also seems to be a texture to the beverage and a lack of fizz which makes me have a puzzled look on my face every time. As time passes after your sip, the overwhelming pumpkin taste fades and it takes a familiar sweet and traditional cider taste. The overall drink is fine, just not great. I give it two apples.

Didn't we say we had a guest? Yes, just not on the Private Reserve Pumpkin. That guest is Randy, a friend from college who is a fellow cider lover and dedicated reader of this... blog-thing. Randy had actually suggested that we try Private Reserve Barrel Select. We figured it was only right that he help us with this one!

Private Reserve Barrel Select also sits at 6.9% alcohol by volume. Before we get into what Randy had to say, what about Woodchuck's take on it?
Woodchuck Private Reserve Barrel Select is our ultra-limited cider crafted in small batches for a rare taste of sweet, crisp apple cider combined with smoky, dry bourbon flavors. Aged in genuine barrels, this copper-hued gem pairs excellently with cheese, pork roast and chocolate cake. Served best at 50 degrees, Barrel Select is truly an exclusive joy to relish.

Guests can go first, so up to bat is Randy:
If Ron Burgundy drank cider it would be Woodchuck Private Reserve Barrel Select.  This limited seasonal run of cider is aged in bourbon barrels. This sounds like fluff that companies say just to get you to buy their products, but the cider really does have a strong bourbon flavor to it.  The bourbon flavor is smooth without the burn of whiskey and pairs nicely with the apple flavor. The apple flavor isn't too sweet, but nor is it dry enough to lose the fruity taste Woodchuck us known for.
The bottle says it's best served at fifty degrees, which is pretty spot on. Keeping the cider cold sharpens the bourbon taste in an unpleasant way and keeping our room temperature is just a little too tempid. This cider isn't for everyone and your mileage will vary by how much you like bourbon. Three and a half apples out of five.

Does Private Reserve Barrel Select fare better for Rob? Let's find out.
This taste is not what I was expecting at all. I has a hint of cider at the very beginning and very end of your sip, but the bourbon is the most noticeable part by far. You can also taste the oak from the barrel this cider was selected from. See what I did there? Cider lovers may not enjoy this one as much unless you have a very open pallet with a taste for whisky. I will admit, I felt fancy as fudge drinking this one (only I didn't say fudge). I give it three apples.

Lastly is little ol' Liz!
Warm and heavy on the back of the tongue, Barrel Select is what I would consider an oddity in the cider world. This tastes nothing like what I would expect from a cider with the bourbon flavors. I feel like I should put this three fingers high in a tumbler and sip it while staring at a beautiful fire place, all while petting a majestic fluffy cat. That's it. I'm buying a mansion. This one gets three apples from me.

If you haven't had either of these, I suggest heading out to your local grocer or liquor store to pick them up. Hopefully they have a 6 pack left for you to pick up!

Happy Holidays and as always...

Happy Tasting!
- Rob & Liz

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