Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Crispin Cidre Blanc

Posting about alcohol before noon? That's right! It's going to be a real classy post this week. Our Cider even came in a box... I'm kidding, boxed cider or wine isn't that trashy, and we're not getting drunk before noon. Well, Liz isn't at least; her review was done last night. As for me, I work a third shift job so drinking in the morning is acceptable. So I wish you would reserve your harsh judgement for someone else.

It is true that out cider did come out of a box this week. We saw this new offering from Crispin and laughed, but then wondered how good is it? Crispin has a very good track record with the DeCiders, so it was only a matter of time before we picked it up for ourselves and gave it a shot.

Crispin Cidre Blanc comes to us from Colfax, CA and is contained in a simply decorated three liter box. It doesn't pack a punch like boxed wine with only 6% alcohol by volume, but as you're about to read, it's basically the same thing. Here are a few words from Crispin about Cidre Blanc.
Fresh-pressed apple juice fermented with classic white wine yeast.
Classically refined, crisp & clean. Deliciously refreshing. Naturally fermented with classic white wine yeast using unpasteurized fresh-pressed apple juice, not from apple-juice concentrate. Smoothed with pure apple juice with no added sugar, malt, grape wine or spirit alcohols. No colorants, sorbate or benzoate preservatives. Fresh & zesty, lively & fruity with crisp apple aromas and a clean, dry long natural finish. Pairs perfectly with food, especially spicy dishes, white meats, seafood and salads.Store in the fridge for easy access to deliciously chilled cider. Will stay fresh for about four weeks after opening. Crisp, fresh, delicious refreshment. Anywhere, anytime.

I guess 'a few words' was an understatement. Here are a few more words from Liz about Cidre Blanc:
Crispin has made it easier for me to look drunk… It now comes in boxed form! Buuuuuuuut, I'm not sure I'd want to. Cidre Blanc is… well, bland. It's flat, and dry, and feels like it's missing something. It's just very 'blah.' There's not much body or taste, and it's sadly not special. It's like the boxed wine of the cider world... convenient, but not very tasty. Maybe that's why they put it in a box already, to give you a clue. I give Cidre Blanc 2 apples.

Looks like she wasn't impressed. What did I think about it? Thank you so much for asking! Well:
The aroma makes you believe you are in for a chalky white wine, but the sip pulls you back to reality. You're drinking cider, from a box… technically bag, but who is really keeping track. The sip starts out really light and airy, but then quickly fades away into a dry and tart resolve. After that, it's pretty much over. It's a very uneventful cider which makes me sad because I love most of what Crispin does. I was hoping for a diamond in the rough, but what I got was a Cidre Bland, not Blanc. 2.5 apples from me, because nothing about it was upsetting, nor inspiring. Just right in the middle. Best thing about it, it's smooth and easy to drink.

Well there you have it. I apologize for the spelling and grammar errors that are most likely in this post, but my partner is at work right now and is unable to proof read the post. I is prety dum on my own. Let us know what we should try next at or by commenting below. See you next week.

Happy Tasting!
-Liz & Rob

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