Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Woodchuck Summer

Wait, what? It's only mid-April? Fooey! We're putting the cart before the horse this week, and we're prepping anyway with Woodchuck Summer. This warmer weather here in Wisconsin had us fooled for a moment... we were out enjoying the sunshine on our longboards, had a picnic at the park, and this weekend we will get to see our first Brewers game of the season!

Summer, at 5% alcohol by volume, is one of the many, many flavors the brilliant minds over at Woodchuck have come up with. We will let those brilliant minds' words tell you a bit about Summer before we do.
Summer Cider is the perfect refreshment on a warm, summer's day. Exhibiting a slight tartness, this cider begins with a full, robust flavor followed by a rich taste reminiscent of New England blueberries. All crafted in Woodchuck tradition… independent to the core.

Since Rob is as sweet as a perfectly ripe blueberry, I'm going to let him go first.
First things first, I have had the Summer brew by Woodchuck before. This time it was much more enjoyable than the first time and I think I know why. This time I enjoyed it as soon as it came out of the fridge. What I am saying is this one is best enjoyed chilled to the max! It is very rich in flavor and the blueberries introduce a unique bite that is quickly absolved by the overall sweetness of the apples involved in the cider. This one isn't very tart and doesn't have any hint of iron to it. So if you've grown tired of ciders that all taste alike, this one is a must. For that, I give it three and a half apples!

Before I let you know what I thought, I just keep thinking of Violet from the original Willy Wonka film - you know, the one with Gene Wilder? Violet, you're turning Violet! I wonder if they ever did juice her, in all of her giant blueberry-ness? Enough of the tangent; here's what I think!
If you could pick a fruit to signify summer, what would it be? I suppose blueberry is a decent one. This cider just doesn't scream, "SUMMER!" at me, though. Regardless of if it embodies summer for me, it's pretty good! I've had it a few times before, mostly while sitting out on the porch reading a book. The blueberry flavor is significant, but it's not overpoweringly heavy. Different enough to stick out, this one would be great if you're in the mood for something cidery, but not just plain ol' cider. With how sweet it is, it would probably do well accompanying brunch or dessert. Whatever you pair it with, though, make sure it's cold enough! The flavor isn't as enjoyable when warm. Overall, I give Woodchuck's Summer three and a half apples.

While preparing for summer, just like we are, please just try to avoid the fake tanning booths and bronzers that make you look orange like an Ooma Loompa... Instead, enjoy a Woodchuck Summer while relaxing in the sun (while wearing an appropriate amount of sunscreen).

Happy Almost-Summer, and as always, happy tasting!
-Rob & Liz

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